Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Yes. It says here, that. I was told to: "Rep your city."

I'm assuming "your" means "my" in this instance. Either way, I've been repping Troup, America's baseball team since I was 18. I have one other "Troup Baseball" T-shirt. It's more worn - but anyways. When you grill or BBQ, remember to take a load off and take a breather. Play & have fun, or else. (I just say this because usually when you have a good/rested attitude - the food or whatever you're cooking will reflect this and in turn yield a tastier dish.)
I thought I really looked like Rocky Balboa here. Does anyone else see it?
Laughing at myself.
this is my "rest" face. I've been told I look like a total bitch when I make it. I can't say for sure what I was thinking at this point in time. Probably - get the camera off of me Jason. or I hope Penny doesn't run over my face because when she pulls my hair it really stings.

Candid Camera is sometimes the best. 

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