Thursday, May 22, 2014

a lunch for Muah.

Vada concurs

What Would Wolves Do - Les Savy Fav
Young Folks - Peter Bjorn & John
Patty Lee - Les Savy Fav
Mushroom face. I made this face up when I was little. Ask Mom. She'll tell you.
Baby water. The water here. is Undrinkable. Even tho Jason still drinks it. He's gross tho. Ew, boys. 


My lunch - I enjoy Singapore noodles sometimes via Chinese Takeout. I order from Golden Phoenix here sometimes.

Anyways, I usually always have some thin spaghetti or pasta on hand. This was still the case the day I made this lunch.

Let's begin with standby's and what's on hand, in the fridge, and familiar flavors.
me that day
roasted reds. Right said Fred. - the song
my homemade marinara. There's a blog post for it on here. I'll look it up and post the link for your convenience, quick to judge, meanness and friendly reminders. Everyone's a critic.

My Marinara Recipe
Over fairly high flame (medium high) add spinach
scrambled dos eggs
added 2-3 ladel fulls?
that looks like 2 1/2 to me
bubble bubble annoy don't trouble
this is "steam escaping" It has nothing to do with death, witch talk, religion, your health, or well being. unless of course, you want it to/ask for it.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that, I'm just using words and terms loosely. I only mean funny and good by it.
I started out with no fat in the pan. I added some Spanish Olive Oil to the eggs to help or maybe prevent sticking
don't or do add sprinkled cheese
lower heat
cover to let the egg set and everything congeal together
peak, okay there was sticking. That's okay. I know what to do.
I reserve pasta water sometimes
I spill it sometimes too
see the starch in there? If you don't have pasta water - don't fret. Just use water, wine, liquid, or even a vinegar. Just something that will create steam to release what's on  bottom. Culinary fancy term(s): fond and deglaze
weird close up shot. I think I took this to show cheese crustys - see top left corner? maybe not.
you gotta dig in sometimes while the food is still in the pan. this is called cooking
wait for it. please be there.
we're set.
kill heat
rest time if you want
dirty shot of my fave spatula
Mom and Dad started texting me about charchoal and I took notes. See?
Let's slide onto a plate.
scrape those goodies or leave behind. up to you.
don't forget finishing touches. That's my only qualm. Well ok, not only.
My Dad would probably like a crunchy top - cheese under a broiler is a good idea for this. If Mom were eating this she might like a sauce to go with.
she might not. But these are my 2 toppers right now. (mustard always)
I'll post a "virgin" drink that's in this pic. Keep your eyes peeled.

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