Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I use a one-cup Coffee Maker that Dad left last visit to brew my coffee. The brand is Hamilton Beach. We bought it at the BX here @ Nellis AFB.

Anywho - I take my coffee black and strong (like my soul) haha. Just kidding. But seriously, dark as the pupils of my eye-ball(s)

Anyways, my Nonnie likes to have Hazelnut Creamer on hand - and takes sugar and a little milk with her coffee. - At least I think so. I'll have to double check on that one.

My Dad loves coffee. A coworker once deemed Dad's coffee making skills as very strong. He (the coworker) called Dad's coffee "roof -patch" because it was so thick/potent. My Mom doesn't drink coffee - she's not opposed to it, but she just prefers not to.

Suggestions for coffee additions:

Instant hot chocolate powder - per 8oz. of coffee:add 1 heaping Tablespoon
Or get cray cray wild and crazy (kid style) and steep tea in your coffee and/or melt dark chocolate - add maybe some orange peel (also/or as well)

Also! Think "peanuts in a coke bottle" and literally add actual hazelnuts to your coffee. Let them set and soak in the coffee (like an olive does in a martini - dry of course) and then eat them (the hazelnuts) as you drink more and more and get to the bottom of the coffee cup.

The best part of waking up is NOT Folgers in your cup, btw. That's just a commercial silly. There is no "best" or "one" part of waking up. Usually, it just happens. Keep your eyes peeled and your earholes open. Because night fall is coming for you.

"Go to your happy place" Chubbs via Happy Gilmore

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