Guess what? I know judo-taquito-karate! (that was my attempt at a joke)
Home-making taquitos (and btw, what is the correct plural spelling for a taquito? Someone help me out. I'm guessing "taquitos") is for everyone.
The secret to home-making a taquito is that it is a two-step fry process. The first fry is only intended to make the tortilla malleable & able to roll without tear. At this stage the oil does not have to be "fry hot."
The second fry happens once each taquito has been layered with stuffing, rolled, and set on a holding plate. This (2nd) fry is intended to make the outer shell crispy and sealed. During this said fry, the oil will need to be considerably hotter than the 1st.
There's also a few (like 3) other little tid bits that I can write to you about to help you along your taquito making way... but reading is sort of a drag to me.
So instead, please allow me to show you.
just like the beginning of the makings of enchiladas, heat some oil |
insert a corn tortilla and wait for the bubbles |
now time to tong a fold |
use a spoon to help shape if necessary |
*tid bit 1* use a cookie cooling rack to drape the post (1st) fried torts |
*tid bit 2* pre-portion out your filling. Much like a well-constructed sandwich, layering is important. here's how it's gonna go: bean, corn, chick, cheese |
*tid bit 3* mash beans to use as a "glue" or solid foundation for layering. this will help the guts of the taquito not fall out during the 2nd fry. |
--this is sort of a tid bit... consider it tid bit 3.5-- Notice: the tortilla is only a third of the way covered with filling. Don't be tempted to over-fill. |
layer, roll, and set seam-side-down |
other end |
get ready |
insert seam-side-down. (best to do with tongs. I would have, but at that time I was fumbling a three-handed job with only two hands, a camera phone, hot oil, Penny at my feet, and a jillion other things on my mind.) |
roll it around. brown evenly - this should take about 90 seconds in 15-20 increments |
Final thoughts: I think that it's actually beneficial to let the once rolled taquito(s) rest before their 2nd fry for awhile. Awhile being like hours in advance -- this could be good news for anyone who likes to plan ahead or is strapped for time. I imagine you could even pre-roll them all and leave overnight in the fridge and then fry for a party the next day. I haven't tried it. Yet.
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