Monday, May 23, 2011

Writer's Block

Well, it happened. I contracted a case of writer's block with my blog. It'd been creeping up on me over the past couple of weeks. Then, it finally took over. And I fell victim.

I had a week long hiatus from blogging due to fever, accompanied by snot infestation and violent hacking/coughing. Wasn't pretty. While I eventually overcame my sickness, writer's block was still lurking overhead... waiting to attack.

A few feeble attempts @ Salad Dressing blogs ensued. I mean really... salad dressings? Salad dressings. I'm bored already... much less getting hyped and excited about writing and snapping photos. Salad dressings technically have no cooking involved anyway. Weak.

I spent hours on end thinking of a topic to cover. Spices. Ridiculous recipes. Party foods. I'd write a draft. Leave, come back to it, look @ it with disappointment, and throw it out.

I went back to read my previous blog entries, hoping something would come to me that way. Somehow. As I read each one, confusion & self-doubt snuck in. (They're both creeps like that) What once was so easy & enjoyable to me, now seemed frustrating & forced.

I figured I would just do away with the personalized writing & blog a recipe straight up. I'd shift my focus to the cooking & leave out the theatrics. Gumbo is not an expertise of mine, but it was a recipe I had made time and time again that yielded satisfying results.

I took the pictures, I posted the recipe, I gave a few interesting facts. After a couple days & the passing of a weekend, my stats indicated I had only 11 page views. Eleven. Only 11.

Deflated, I slumped and moped away from the blog. I thought, "maybe I could post a status on my FaceBook." I'd tell the FB world I had writer's block. And to help. I worried, "What if no one suggests anything?"

Jim Carrey's voice heckled me. 

(Self doubt rearing its ugly head) I cringed.

I asked Jason for help. No help. I asked my Mom for help. No help. I asked God for help. He told me to quit praying about my food blog & things of the like.

So there it was. No help, a blank page, and poor ole Kelsey just wanting to blog again. Sad.

Not knowing what to do, I reverted back to my regular cooking/recipe searching ways. This included: Youtubing "Working Class Foodies" by Hungry Nation while listening to Jason cuss and get mad at his video games for "cheating." Cooking meatballs come Sunday. Making a batch of soup to last the week. Eating my breakfast burritos @ night, before bed. Laughing hysterically @ Flipping through cookbooks, thinking I have too many cookbooks for my own good. Immediately correcting myself, knowing there's no such thing.

Still. There was something missing.

So yearning to meet my blogging desires, I ventured out a little bit from my
mundane cooking/recipe routine. It was on an unassuming day (like today) when I visited & read Nick's blog.

Read it.

At that moment, my little blogger's light-switch turned back on. I loved everything Nick had to say on the subject of whatever he was writing about. So specific, so elaborate, so familiar, so funny, so flattering, so humble, so so sooo sweet. Call me Nick. We can blog away into the sunset, seen to other's as the horizon, and do like food blog lover's do.

So, while I am, admittedly, at a loss for which/what recipe I'll choose to feature next. I'm not too much worried about it anymore. I'm blogging again! I'm back!

Kramer said it best.
Never gets old.

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