Both poems written before I was 20years old. I typed and printed them about before moving to RAF Lakenheath and even being married. Dad has copies. I dunno about Mom.
Anyways. Here we go.
Poem 1:
I was too withdrawn
It did not make a difference
Evening, night, or dawn
I just lay there in silence
No desire to talk at all
Because you always made my words
That had cast over like a shawl
It was fall when you left me
Left me to cry and weep
I had no other choice
None other than to leap
Down to where I am right now
A place where I can see
That no one will ever be there
No one ever, but me
Poem 2:
Title - Loves Me
I was born and was accepted by a family of three
They loved who I was they loved me
They watched me grow and I filled them with joy
That no one else could produce, no girl or boy
I started to creep, crawl, and walk
Gurgle, mumble, sound, and talk
I soon wouldn't be quiet and then started to run
And instead of not liking, they had always had fun
Watching me learn and making me, me
Seeing what I, soon would be
I was a normal kid, always wanting to play
I was always outside, until the day
That I became busy with almost too much
Like talking, going, visiting, and such
But I still had time to always see
That my parents will always love me for me
I'm always changing what I feel and think
I could change in just a wink of a blink
Sometimes I'm difficult maybe seem even hard
But they would still enjoy me with no regards. We're a family. (I added the "we're a family" part just now. Ad lib)
Happy Homecoming to all adopted and to be adopted. Families matter so much to me. They keep me alive.
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